SBV Series

A simple quarter turn quick-release plug adds safety and flexibility to any water system. GROCO patented SBV Series Seacocks allows for instant emergency bilge pumping, a simplified winterization process, and convenient cooling system flushing.
IN AN EMERGENCY: While the connected engine is running, close the seacock and remove the quick release plug. Excess bilge water will be pumped overboard by the engine raw water pump. Add GROCO BSA to pump out remote bilge locations.
FOR WINTERIZATION: Close the seacock, remove the quick release plug and insert the service adaptor (included). Anti-freeze can be pumped into the cooling system.
FOR SYSTEM FLUSHING: Close the seacock and insert the service adaptor. Dockside water can be used to flush the cooling system with the engine running at idle speed.
- Made in the USA
- Handle has square hole that accepts standard ratchet; helps access hard-to-reach valves, or ease actuation of hard-to-operate valves.
- Side port has a Quick-Release Plug for emergency bilge pumping, and a Service Adaptor for routine winterization and maintenance.
- Full flow.
- Serviceable while installed.
- C84400 bronze construction.
- Stainless steel ball and stem.
- Base has bonding attachment.
- PTFE seats and seals.
- Two driver ports permit handle relocation.
- Service adaptor included.
- UL Listed 647B
***Add a GROCO Bilge Strainer to pump out remote bilge locations.